Dialect: A Game About Language and How It Dies (Book & Cards)

Thorny Games

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Explore the poignant lifecycle of language with "Dialect: A Game About Language and How It Dies," an award-winning narrative game that captures the rise and fall of an isolated community's dialect. As a GM-less game designed for 3-5 players, "Dialect" allows you to forge a unique language based on the community’s identity, beliefs, and their evolving world. Players engage in creating this new dialect through a thoughtfully crafted deck of language generating cards, witnessing how their language flourishes and eventually fades. This game not only offers a compelling storytelling experience but also reflects on the cultural impact of language loss. Included is a 150-page hardcover book filled with beautiful artwork and insightful contributions from top game designers and linguists like David Peterson and Steven Bird. Each game concludes with players taking away their unique story and the dialect they've collectively crafted.

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